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Classroom Ideas

The learning of the students will fall upon the ability of the educator to maintain and improve the motivation of the students. Motivation tends to be the key to success for various aspects of life, especially education. Dynamism in the class on the part of the educator will start a journey of language on the part of the students. Due to this reason, it is necessary to create educational activities, enriching classes that lead the student to live experiences based on what they have learned and learn collaboratively. 

Motivation is key in any classroom! Part of this is decoration, class pets, motivational phrases around the classroom, adequate use of colors and much more. It seems simple, but it's so useful and effective. Students are drawn to it and motivated by it. They see your effort in it, the class topics reflected in it and new activities that can be born from them.

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Reading Marathon

If you're a language arts teacher you'll love reading marathons.  It's an activity that challenges students to read as much as possible in a day. To make it a bit more fun I set up a tent with games, candy, books and toys inside. Each student had an assigned area identified by a color on the mat with books on it (the colors represented the reading level, but only I knew that).  Once the students read three or more books, he or she could go to the tent and play or continue reading.


Assessments as classroom decorations 

The year I created this bulletin board the semester-long theme was "Countries around the World". The students chose six countries to learn about, and my entire curricular map revolved around them.   Therefore, I created a bulletin board with the countries' flags, and a guiding sign to each place. I also added the student interest inventory in the form o a puzzle, with their likes, dislikes, hobbies, traditions, name, family composition and country in which they live or where they were born. Through this we learned that even though we are different, we come together to learn, communicate and discover similarities that we share.


Creations for Activities

As a pre-assessment to the unit of Story Elements I used an interactive activity (Roll and Retell) using a dice and instructions where they had to define and mention each element of the story read in class, the students were chosen randomly, most participated, because even though ONE was called out, the others had to help.


This activity was possible after a few hours of creativity and effort. I created a 3-D dice with cardboard, glue, tape and construction paper, and with another cardboard I created the list of questions and guide. 


Teaching on a Budget

Sometimes we teach in places with very little resources, but there's nothing a teacher can't handle! There are many things we can make such as:  file organizers, book shelves, posters, and even boards.  One year one of the boards from my classroom was damaged, so I decided to create a small one for examples or activities with a black poster board and a type of contact paper that is an erasable surface for markers (you can also find chalk board surface). 


Reading Spot

Having a reading area for the students is really important. Try using old book shelves and bring bean bags or small chairs to create a comfortable environment for the students. Creating a comfy spot isn't difficult, it just requires time and ideas. Think about your class theme and use those ideas to decorate the area. 


Hamburger Paragraph

A great way of teaching the paragraph structure is demonstrating the Hamburger Paragraph. To do so I make a HUGE hamburger with all of the simple paragraph parts, that way the students can interact with them and discuss the parts. All it takes is cardboard, glue, stencils, time and  creativity. 


Classroom Decorations

When I began teaching I had a shared classroom. My side only had a clock, and I decided to give a little life to it. Around it I taped stars that represented my students, a small globe and cut out the letters Y and U to tape next to the clock to read YOU. In addition, I printed out the phrase "are the future of the world.", then I cut it out and taped it under the word YOU. The kids were really excited to see the creation and felt special every time they read it.  It felt great to remind them everyday that they are the future of the world. 


Works of Art

When students began giving me many small drawings I thought of making a gallery around the classroom. However, I didn't have enough space, so instead, I created a big frame, where all of their drawings could be presented as master pieces and they could feel appreciated as much as I feel, when they give me one. 


Class Pet and Class Rules

To teach the students about responsibility I did two things.  First we decided as a group which would be the classroom rules, then I printed them and glued them on cut out cardboard and joined them with strings to hang next to the entrance. I also acquired a pet fish for the class. The students named it, learned about how it should be fed and cleaned and divided the chores for every student. 

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Peer Teaching

Peer teaching occurs when students teach other students.  I use his method a lot. Fourth graders usually read aloud to first grader or fourth graders create a class based on story elements or cause and effect and teach it to the first graders. When you teach something you are able to comprehend it better, and when you constantly read to others it becomes easy. 



Teach your students about other subjects other than yours by integrating subjects or bringing experts of diverse areas. A good idea is bringing professionals of drama, visual arts, or nutrition and physical education. This helps the students maintain focus and expand their opportunities as well.  


Creating Sentences 

As a pre-assessment to the unit of Sentences the students were divided in groups and had 10 minutes to create as many sentences as possible. All they had as resources were paper plates with random words on them and a timer. This would demonstrate that they can work as a team and how much knowledge they have about sentence construction. 


Art Workshops

Art is very powerful when it allows students to communicate learning when they cannot express it through writing. Students can integrate and retain what they are learning in all areas when they have opportunities to create relevant artifacts, or better understand a story, character, or event if they are able to physically act it out.


One activity I really enjoy is the Mask Workshop. In it the students learn how to make masks (very similar to the Puerto Rican Vegigante), they are simple to make because they aremade with cardboard, glue and paint only. The design of the mask is based on the story read in class, it can even retell the story. Afterwards, the students can make a performance using the masks. 


Create opportunities for students to perform, draw, paint, sing and dance! You'll be surprised of how far they'll go in the English class.


Pen Pals

Pen Pal interactions is one of my favorite activities! The students are introduced to new cultures and people.  In this occasion my students received letters from first graders in Buffalo, New York and responded. The letters served to present themselves and write a little about where they come from. Afterwards, we Skyped with the group, shared experiences and spoke about our Christmas celebrations.  It was a great experience! My students from Puerto Rico had never seen snow, so the students from New York went outside with their laptop to show it to them, then my students spoke about the weather here in Puerto Rico and how 75 degrees here was a normal and breezy weather. The feedback was great!


Learning about Traditions

Teachers should run the extra mile for their students. While teaching about the diverse cultures and their customs, we came upon México and read about the piñata, we learned that in actuality, the piñata as a part of many countries, such as: China, Italy and Spain. We read about it during the Sentence topic, therefore, I thought of bringing a real "Piñata" with candy and sentences inside it, because many of my students have never opened one. They really enjoyed the activity and were motivated to learn and participate, once the piñata was opened, we gathered in a circle and discussed the sentences they found inside the "Piñata" and classified them within the four types of sentences. 


English Week Activity

During this year's English Week the students presented their entrepreneurship projects, had a poetry recital and the younger students read aloud to the older students.  It was an activity to celebrate the students and all that they have been able to do and develop during the semester. This is a great way of motivating the students to work hard and of working with their public speaking abilities. 


Reading Marathon

If you're a Language Arts teacher you'll love reading marathons.  It's an activity that challenges students to read as much as possible in a day. To make it a bit more fun I set up a tent with games, candy, books and toys inside. Each student had an assigned area identified by a color on the mat with books on it (the colors represented the reading level, but only I knew that).  Once the students read three or more books, he or she could go to the tent and play or continue reading.


Blogs for Students

Blogging is a great way of empowering students! It addresses countless topics, therefore, each student can write about their interests. This writing process is an excellent tool for improving a  involvement, excitement, and most importantly, writing and speaking skills. 


As an English teacher, I create a blog for each of the groups that I teach to showcase their written compositions and oral presentations of diverse topics chosen by themselves. 


See some of my students'works at: Students' Blog

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