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Students' Blog

Blogging is a great way of empowering students! It addresses countless topics, therefore, each student can write about their interests. This writing process is an excellent tool for improving a  involvement, excitement, and most importantly, writing and speaking skills. 


As an English teacher, I create a blog for each of the groups that I teach to showcase their written compositions and oral presentations of diverse topics chosen by themselves. 


Each blog post requires these steps:
1.      Research information about your topic.
2.      Summarize the information and write a short paragraph about the topic.
3.      Write a script for your video and get prepared to record it. 
4.      Record the video!
5.      Watch the video and evaluate your performance. 
The students prepare for the videos, analyze what they will do and work as a team. Through the project they are able to integrate subjects, and interact with technology by recording, searching for information, and typing their compositions. They also have the opportunity to work on their pronunciation of the English language and their grammar skills; all of this while working as a team and developing social skills. â€‹

Benefits of Student Blogs

Learning about technology

While creating new content for the their blogs, the students are learning about the correct usage of technology, practicing typing, and learning about graphic design. 

Improving language skills

Every blog post requires the students to write, thus performing the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. This leads the students to improve their writing skills, and by creating videos they can also develop the oral skills. 

Teaching responsibility

It creates the idea of permanency . Blogging allows students to begin to understand the concept of journalistic responsibility, of ensuring every fact is accurate and making appropriate comments, which can carry over to their real lives as well.

Critical thinking and discussions

Blogging enables the students to write freely about their ideas and thoughts. Students are guided to analyze their possible topics, and choose one that is pertinent. Later on, they research about it and discuss their opinion through blog posts. 

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Why be a Blogger?

A like being a Youtuber because I enjoy making people laugh with my personality. I'm always bored in the house. I've always asked myself if I could be famous or important. I know that not everyone will like me, I will have haters. There are a lot of people that make videos but do not like doing it, they only do it for the money. Even though there is hate, there is also love. Youtube and Blogs are platforms where you grow and do what you like.

-Jan L.

Homemade Photo Filters

In our third video we are going to do photos with colors. The people who are going to be photographed  are Vale, Nany and Kari. 
In today’s video we are going to take pictures that seem like  Tumblr with homemade filters . 

All about Unicorns

I’m going to be writing about unicorns.
Unicorns are mysterious creatures that don’t exist. A lot of people think that they are real. If you see a photo of colorful poop, trust me, that’s not unicorn poop. Some unicorns are thought to have wings and are really colorful.

Frida Kahlo

Today I will talk about her paintings, specifically, the self- portraits. She would paint herself and demonstrate her psychologic state. Her art made her famous, her details made her special. Most of all, her heart was sincere and noble.
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