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  • Lorein Simmons

A Teacher's Luggage

Actualizado: 8 may 2019

A teacher's suitcase contains everything that he or she has learned throughout the journey of becoming an educator. This suitcase tends to be big and quite heavy, because we not only bring with us theories, but also memories, experiences, ideas, materials, colleagues and friends, resources, and the smile of each child that we have impacted.

My suitcase gets bigger with time, everywhere I go I acquire something new. Most of the time it is knowledge, this requires little space, but helps the most. With it you learn how to do things, what not to do, what to repeat and what you should adapt and how you can do it. To this we add experience; each time we teach we encounter new environments, new challenges and learn how to deal with it. Experience will be one of the keys to knowledge.

Due to the diversity of students and school administration, teachers go through a lot of change and challenges. However, something that should never change is the motivation implemented in every class and the motivation to continue within our profession with pride and passion. Kids need this, they need to feel loved, celebrated, and enthusiastic and need to be pushed to their maximum capacities. Students are able to do their best when the teacher uses all of his or her luggage.

With my experience I have acquired a mastery of lesson planning, creating curricular maps and unit plans with the students’ needs and talents in mind. I have created patience and love towards the students and the profession; each step has been a pillar to reach complete mastery (which is actually never complete because we are in constant development and evolution).

Our entire learning process travels with us throughout life, everything is applied, sometimes even without noticing. This is why we must be careful with what we bring with us, we must bring what is necessary and what will make an impact. Our suitcase will help us make a difference in the world.

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