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  • Lorein Simmons

Diversity in the Classroom

Actualizado: 5 may 2019

In school diversity is something positive, it is essential to enrich ourselves and build new projects and ideas. As educators, we recognize that not only there are students with diverse interests, but also with diverse needs. In the classroom there are several students and some of them have certain exceptionalities, these are sought to be attended adequately to their own conditions, with inclusive social equity and gender perspective. As it should be noted, the best system is one that uses the inclusive method; where you work based on the potentials and needs of students. Therefore, based on these, multiple options are promoted in the curriculum and teaching. In this system, educational services focus on the child and the family; emphasizing and adapting the program, curriculum or general services of early intervention. Of course, it should be noted that families, professionals and general or special educators and all service providers must work together to ensure the implementation of an excellent inclusive education. As an English teacher, I would have several methods and strategies that fit the needs of my students' exceptionalities. Primarily, I would create a daily routine, which would be composed by the welcome (practice pronunciation), how are you? (recap, practice pronunciation and creation of a dialogue) and presentation or recapitulation of the topic of the class (recap, practice pronunciation and creation of a dialogue and put into practice what was learned). In addition, it would have a "Reading Corner" so that, at the end of their tasks they can read silently or select a book to do the assignment (improving reading, behavior, and organization skills). Many times learning a new language can be overwhelming, it is for this reason that my goal would be to make each class an adventure full of fun and learning in each step. In the classroom you can do several activities, such as "Word Scavenger Hunt", activity in which the teacher dictates a word and the children, who are divided into groups, look for the correct written word in the classroom, this game also can be modified to look for words that are adjectives or words that are verbs. The classroom would also have a "Word Wall", a space on the wall where several vocabulary words are illustrated which students can use as a reference while doing their assignment. This concept helps to have a linguistically enriched classroom.

As a teacher and human being I must understand that not all of us learn in the same way, some of my students will require more time, others will require other materials, but all will have the same goal. It’s my responsibility to reach that goal through their skills and talents and adjust the curriculum. In addition to promoting respect for diversity in the classroom, be it diversity of cultures, academics, ideals or preferences. When evaluating I must take into account the needs of each student, for example, grant more time during exams to Special Education students that require it, have books with braille and large print books for children with visual exceptionality and allow them to use of their assistive equipment in the classroom (if requested by the special education program).

The learning of the students will fall upon the ability of the educator to maintain and improve the motivation of the students. Motivation tends to be the key to success for various aspects of life, especially education. Dynamism in the class on the part of the educator will start a journey of language on the part of the students. For this reason, it is necessary to create educational activities, enriching classes that lead the student to live experiences based on what they have learned and learn collaboratively. To think that we can reach all students in the same way is a mistake, that is why our curriculums and contents must be adapted, so that learning is constant and effective. Today there are several tools to achieve motivation in our students, such as the use and integration of technology, the inclusion of games, and attention to the individual interest of each student.

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