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  • Lorein Simmons

How to integrate entrepreneurship in the classroom?

Entrepreneurship is much more than creating a business. However, the skills of business administration are greatly needed, such as: leadership, teamwork, responsibility, and resilience. The process of entrepreneurship helps transform the world by solving big problems; this is what it’s all about. Through entrepreneurship our students can initiate social change, create an innovative product or present a new life-changing solution.

Entrepreneurs are doers and dreamers, like most of our kids. However, entrepreneurship has not been a concept encouraged in school, where students are required to focus on the task assigned, not dream new ideas. So, now is the perfect time to highlight entrepreneurship in the classroom! We need entrepreneurs that see real-life problems and gather up their skills and talents to solve them with their peers. Based on this concept we, as teachers, can probably create the best Problem- Based Learning (PBL) assessments and produce the best solutions.

How can we bring this concept to the classroom?

- Business Proposals: The students will create local businesses that will help their community. They must give it a name, create a branding, identify the target public and explain how it will help the community.

- Find and Fix: Students identify a problem within the school or community and find ways to solve the situation. The proposal should be innovative, the students will write about it and then present it to the class.

- Reflect upon change: Have a weekly or monthly reflection about what the kids think should be different in class, school, community or country, and why. Once you have stated problems, set collaborative teams that will brainstorm to fix these problems. They should be able to set short-term and long-term goals. The teacher can hand-out the SCAMPER method.

S- Substitute to make better.

C- Combine things to create something different.

A- Adapt what exists to improve it.

M- Magnify or modify to change its appearance.

P- Put to other uses. (Reuse/ recycle)

E- Eliminate the negative things.

R Reverse/ re-invert it. Give an old idea an innovative twist.

While working on these projects we can have subject integration with technology, math, art, language arts and more. These activities line up with many of the curriculum standards and help prepare the students for real-life encounters.

In the end, the skills needed to become a successful entrepreneur are beneficial to any child’s development:

- Goal Setting

- Acting on Opportunity

- Financial Literacy

- Creativity

- Resilience

- Communication

- Leadership

Entrepreneurship is a method to create pioneers. Let’s rethink and recreate to make a change.

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